God has made clear statements of our goal as a disciple of Christ, we are called to love Anson and the nations (Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8). We realize this starts with allowing ourselves to first be transformed by Christ (Romans 12:2). FBC Youth Ministry is where many students have found a home and you can too. We love seeing new faces; come hang out with us! Consider this your invitation.
Wednesday night:
MidWeek Worship meets at 5:50p - 7:30p and we follow the school calendar.
Sunday morning:
Sunday School upstairs at 9:30 (Youth Room)
Worship at 10:50am (FBC Sanctuary)
Churchflare App
1st Youth Anson has an app!
All you have to do to stay up to date and receive reminders of events is download the Churchflare app!
Churchflare is how we communicate to everyone, where you can see all the current announcements, upcoming events, messages taught on Wednesdays, and more!
Download Now!
App Store for iOS - Churchflare <—Click
Google Play for Android - Churchflare <—Click